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Nourishing Facial Serum – Wrinkles / Tightening / Outline


The TIMALFES serum, re­verses time, in­hibit­ing the in­trin­sic ef­fect (chrono­log­i­cal aging) and ex­oge­nous aging (stress, cig­a­rette, air pol­lu­tion) and ex­hibits sig­nif­i­cant anti-wrin­kle ac­tion.

Κωδικός προϊόντος: 560035 Κατηγορίες: ,


The TIMALFES serum, re­verses time, in­hibit­ing the in­trin­sic ef­fect (chrono­log­i­cal aging) and ex­oge­nous aging (stress, cig­a­rette, air pol­lu­tion) and ex­hibits sig­nif­i­cant anti-wrin­kle ac­tion. A gen­tle gel prod­uct that, due to its ac­tive in­gre­di­ents and plant dry oils, has the abil­ity to pen­e­trate the deeper lay­ers of the skin and lead to high cel­lu­lar ac­tiv­ity! The vis­i­ble ben­e­fit of con­sis­tent use is a re­freshed face with fewer wrin­kles, vig­or­ous and flaw­less


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